ACINDEC S.A. has a commitment to sustainable use of the main vital element, water, and the solution of its problems.


Since the needs for clean water for human and industrial consumption are increasing, and therefore generate wastewater that must be treated before being evacuated as a social requirement, ACINDEC S.A. has developed solutions on the one hand to produce clean water suitable for consumption and secondly to remove the maximum amount of solids from wastewater and to reduce environmental pollution.

Particular attention to this subject is the water production of the oil industry, which should be treated prior to reinjection into oil wells with the purpose of artificial flood or water drainage in clean conditions.

 To solve the water problems ACINDEC S.A. offers treatment plants or units based on simple sedimentation technologies, biological treatment, advanced chemical treatment or a combination of both.

Additionally, we provide technology services to optimize industrial processes through its division PROCESS & AUTOMATION


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