Feasibility studies
  and conceptual enginnering


Feasibility studies and conceptual engineering make it possible to determine the technical and economic feasibility of a project, and establish the basis for further development of basic and detail engineering. In order to answer the main questions before starting a new project, ACINDEC PROCESS provides conceptual engineering services that are responsible for compiling all the requirements and objectives of a project. We work hand in hand with our customers so in consonance to this data offer optimum process solutions according to their needs.

The deliverables of this stage may include among others the following:

• Compilation of requirements
• Evaluation of alternative technologies and design options
• Preliminary design and process overview
• Preliminary Process flow Diagrams (PFD's)
• Process simulations and preliminary mass and energy balance.
• Selection and preliminary list of equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, tanks, valves, etc.)
• Preliminary list of required utilities.
• Cost estimation

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